Banners can be a very effective method of advertising, but only if they catch the attention of your customers. The following tips will help you to design a banner that gives the exact message that you want your customers to see, which in turn can help you to build your business.
Make The Text Easy To Read
The main advantage that a banner has over other forms of advertising is that there is a lot of space to work with. This enables you to make the text larger, and large text is easier for people to read. If the text is prominent enough it also means it can be seen from a distance and will attract the attention of more people.
Consider The Use Of Colour
Use bright colours that will grab people’s attention as they walk past. A combination of different colours can work well, but take care to ensure that they do not clash. Using the same colours that are in your company logo will mean that it is easier for people to associate the banner they are looking at with your business.
Place Them Where They Will Be Seen
As with all forms of advertising, you need people to see your banners. This means placing them in an area that has high traffic, and also traffic that is relevant to your business. The more people that see your banners, the more people that are likely to turn into customers.
Have More Than One
A banner that works well in one situation, may not work so well in another. If you have a number of different banners in different formats, then you will be prepared for any situation. This can be useful if you are asked to attend an event at short notice, as you will have a number of options for banners that you can take with you.
Wotton Printers have a team of in-house designers who are ready to work on the design of your banner with you. If you are looking for professional printers in Newton Abbot to assist you with a banner printing project, make sure you get in touch with us today by calling: 01626 353 698.