Getting your print design right is the most crucial step of your marketing. No matter if you opt for a small business card or large banner, the design matters, it’s what all of your clients will read about your business. If you choose print to promote an offer, sale, competition or to simply boost your brand awareness, Wotton Printers can help achieve the best results. Our printers have years of experience in the printing industry so regardless of the reasons for choosing print, we’ll help make sure your business is promoted effectively.

We have some quick and easy tips to help make sure your design is fit for purpose. Wotton Printers hope that this advice helps you in securing the right design for your business.

Tips for Your Printing Design

If you’re stuck for ideas on how to improve your advertising material, we have five handy tips for your printing design. Here we hope that they give you new ideas and inspiration on how to use your printing effectively. It may not be how you envisioned the print to turn out, but by following our advise it will be more appealing to your target market, giving your more customers which then in turn will result in more sales for your business. Simple steps make big results!

Our 5 tips that we believe you should consider when choosing your design are:

  1. Purpose
  2. Target audience – age, interest, gender
  3. Type of print
  4. Budget
  5. Message you wish to get across – brand awareness, offer, sale, promotion etc.

All in all, when it comes to designing your printing, you need to be aware of what the purpose is. Whether it’s to attract more customers, promote a sale or offer, the purpose of printing will reflect the content, imagery and overall finish of the print. Once you know the purpose of your printing, you will be able to work out your target audience, from here you will be able to add content to suit your market.

Upon understanding your target market, you’ll be able to distinguish the appropriate content for that audience. For example, being gender specific or targeting a certain interest or like, or even age specific. All of the above will come into play and help make your printing material as successful as possible. When you have put your target audience into practice and outlined it in your printing, you will see better engagement results as your printing will become appealing to your audience.