Business cards are usually the first impression potential customers will get for your business. First impressions count, and last forever, having a business card is a great way to impress and show off your business to your potential customers. Wotton Printers have 5 ways which you can use in order to make the most from your business card. We will help make your business card a treasure rather than a keepsake in a wallet or purse!

1. Your Details

Business Cards are a formal way to introduce your business, therefore your details should be too. It is important to keep everything formal and by doing so your details from your name, address to a social media account, should all be spelt correctly and be appropriate to give out to customers. If your business doesn’t have a social media account, avoid putting your personal account on as your customers won’t see the benefits from seeing your personal life or details. Only put details on your business card which is necessary, for example the: name of business, location, contact numbers, logo, website address, social media. In some cases business cards are made to individuals in the business if so, then you would have the person’s details on and their title of employment.

2. Your Graphics

With any marketing material, whether it be a leaflet, poster or business card, all graphics should be to a high definition and relevant. No matter the size of the marketing material, for the purpose of your business and its advertising, the graphics should be to the highest possible definition to give the best impression and outlook on your business. Your logo also needs to be high definition and up to date. It is best to avoid any cartoon images if possible, unless it is relevant or related to your business. Any business cards that are old or out of date should be replaced and recycled. Don’t discard the small details as these can be what builds up your business in a poor light. If the first impression of your business doesn’t look brilliant, a customer is more likely to choose or go elsewhere.

3. Keep It Original

With the mass amounts of business there is out there, originality is key. Your business card is a clear representation on how original your are, keep the design, shape, copy and colours as original as possible as this gives a direct indication of originality, there’s lots of different business card templates available to help you choose the style, should you need it.Even if you or your business only has a small amount of creativity skills, it’s just as important to design your business card to set you out from the rest. Do something which makes you different and make your business card the one that stands out from the rest in your industry. Whether that means taking things back to basics and having a simple but classic business card, or having an imaginative design, keep your brand original and stand out from the rest.

4. Choice of Paper

No matter the brand, company, product or service your business needs to shine, and the best points of your business needs to be shown. This starts with the quality of the paper, if you hand over a cheap looking business card that will fall to pieces the next time you look at it, your potential customer will not be impressed. The choice of paper alone reflects upon the type of choices your business makes, are you one for the cheaper alternative, or will you go the extra mile for the quality? Choosing the right paper gives the customers a representation of your business, you may not know it but by holding a worn out thin piece of paper gives the customer a poor impression. Choose your paper type effectively, knowing the different kinds of paper, will help towards making the right decision for your business.

5. Your Printer

The quality behind your print is just as important as anything else. You could do everything to plan and design your business card, but if the printing is poor, all your time, effort and money is wasted. By putting in the time and money into hiring a professional to print and even design your card from start to finish, can be the difference between a unsuccessful and successful business card. Take the time to see what kinds of printing is effective and the best way to print. No matter if you are looking for the print or the design too, having the right printer can affect your business card massively.

For a top standard finish on business cards, be sure to choose Wotton Printers as your dedicated and professional business card printers. For a FREE PRINTING QUOTE Contact us today!